8 Sep 2016

“Country preparatory meeting for participation to 5th ASFN CSO Forum and 7th ASFN Conference” held on 3rd June 2016 in Yangon. These following organizations are attended: KBC Tharyarwady, KBC Hinthada, ECCDI, Karen Lawyer Network, Yangon CSSDD, Myanmar Green Network, KRDO (Kampetlet Rural Development Organizatoin), FOW (Friends Of Wildlife), Sky Net, Tedim, IPs/EN (Indigenous Peoples/ Ethnic Nationalities Network), MERN (Myanmar Environment Rehabilitation-Conservation Network), Kamayaut Media, WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature), Lawkhu Land Green Network, Myay Latt CF, Chin Human Rights organization, Green Rights Organization, Mee Net, MFA (Myanmar Forest Association), RCA (Rakhine Coastal Region Conservation Association), KECA (Kampetlet Environmental Conservation Association), FLU (Farmer and Land worker Union), SVS (Social Vision Service), RECOFTC (The Center For People and Forests), POINT (Promotion Of Indigenous and Nature Together)