Indigenous Peoples’ Strategies Meeting for Customary Land Tenure

The meeting on Indigenous Peoples’ Strategy Meeting for Customary Land Tenure took place on the 24th January 2017 at the Micasa Hotel in Yankin, Yangon, under the POINT.

The meeting Objective were

•         Sharing and Update on individual customary land tenure work

•         To discuss strategies for future advocacy on customary land tenure

•         To prepare initial inputs related to customary land tenure for 21 Ping Long Peace Conference


The following are respectively presented of their Activities and Implementation Plans of Organizations Working on Customary Land Tenure

  1. Jonathan : Pa’oh Governance of Kakku and the Implications for Heritage Conservation
  2. Saw Josphet: Securing Land Tenure and Indigenous Rights
  3. Federal Land Management
  4. Gland: Ethnic Commuity Customary Tenure: opportunity and Challenges
  5. Naw Ei Ei Min: POINT’s Activity Plan for Customary Land Tenure and Indigenous Peoples’ rights


Local community, local NGOs and INGO participated this meeting. They was also discuss about their have issue related customary land tenure.